MOVE TO CHINA: a new China Desk service at Confindustria Bari-BAT

Sinoglobal supported Confindustria Bari-BAT (local association of the General Confederation of Italian Industry) for the launch of “Move to China”, a China Desk project for the internationalization of local SMEs towards the Chinese market.

Shanghai, A.I.C.E.C. Round Table “Doing Business in China”, November 2019

On November 6th 2019, in Shanghai, Mr. Camaggio joined the round table “Hong Kong-Cina 2019: Imprese Italiane verso i Mercati Esteri” (Hong Kong-China 2019: Italian enterprises towards foreign markets) organized by A.I.C.E.C. – Associazione Internazionalizzazione Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili (Italy’s Association for Internationalization of Certified Public Accountants) with the support of the Embassy of Italy in China and the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, as part of a five-day mission from November 4th to 8th, 2019 within the framework of the China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2019 held in Shanghai.

2nd edition of “China Insight” at Bif&st 2019 organized by Apulia Film Commission in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai (Bari, 29 April and 2 May 2019)

Apulia Film Commission, in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai, organized the second edition of “China Insight”, a forum on the Chinese film industry and Italy-China collaborations, in the course of the 10th Bari International Film Festival. Sinoglobal Investments Advisory supported AFC in the planning and organization of the event.

Tokyo, UIA Seminar “Doing Business in and with the Emerging Markets”, March 2019

Mr. Gianpaolo Camaggio was invited to Tokyo by UIA (International Association of Lawyers) to speak about foreign investments in China.  He participated in a joint seminar with UIA Japan National Committee, that was attended by around one hundred CFOs of major Japanese companies interested in the challenges and opportunities of foreign investment in China.  At the…

Sinoglobal’s Mr. Camaggio Interview on Renmin Ribao

Sinoglobal’s Founder and Managing Director Mr. Gianpaolo Camaggio was interviewed by the Chinese newspaper Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily) on the occasion of President Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy in March 2019. In the article on Sino-Italian relations and cooperation, Mr. Camaggio shared his opinion on the importance of President Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy and…

Alibaba Group meets Apulian enterprises (Bari, 4 May 2018)

Mr. Gianpaolo Camaggio was invited to speak as a China tax expert at the conference “Alibaba Group meets Apulian enterprises” held at Fiera del Levante (Bari) on May 4th, 2018.

The conference was organized by Apulia Region, in cooperation with Alibaba Group and sponsored by Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors Professional Accounting Association of Bari. The conference aimed at introducing the new business opportunities provided by e-commerce platforms with a focus on the Chinese market…

Bif&st 2018 – China Insight: The Chinese Film Industry and its Relationship with Italy

First edition of “China Insight” at Bif&st 2018, organized by Apulia Film Commission in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai
(Bari, 23 April 2018).
The first edition of “China Insight” was held at the 9th Bari International Film Festival, and was organized by Apulia Film Commission in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai…

“New Actors in Sub-Saharan Africa’s International Relations”

(BBFF 2017 – University of Bari, 11 October 2017)
The Conference is an attempt to draw attention to new actors in Sub-Saharan Africa’s international relations, providing an analysis of new foreign investments in Africa’s Sub-Saharan countries from an economic perspective and discussing its impact in geopolitical terms.

Workshop on Bari-Guangzhou (Canton) sister-city relationship

Workshop on Bari-Guangzhou (Canton) sister-city relationship: opportunities in the culture, tourism and innovation industries (Bari, 21 April 2017).